Beet, Chioggia

Beet, Chioggia

All cultivated beets are descendents of the sea beet (B. maritima), a wild seashore plant found growing along
the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts of Europe and North Africa. The Chioggia beet is an Italian heirloom
variety established circa 1840. It was named for the town in which it was first cultivated, the island fishing
village of Chioggia, near the Lagoon of Venice. It is an open-pollinated variety, allowing for the potential of
cross-breeding once plants have flowered or have run to seed. Beet varieties should be grown biannually and
be planted at least 1-2 miles apart to avoid accidental hybridization

Nutritional Value:
Beet greens contain concentrated amounts of oxalic acid. Thus, when eaten in excess, they can interfere with
the body’s ability to metabolize calcium.
Sun: Full Sun
Spacing: 3”
Height: 8-10 inches
Optimum Soil Ph: neutral (7.0)
Days To Maturity: 55
Sowing Method: Outdoors

Planting/Growing Tips:
Beet seeds can be planted in early spring or midsummer. Soak seeds overnight in damp towel before planting
for excellent germination. Plant beet seeds 1” apart and thin weakest seedlings to desired spacing. Keep soil
evenly moist to prevent beet roots from getting woody. For longer harvest, stagger beet plantings every 2-3


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